Consumer safety has become a prominent issue in recent years due to heightened public awareness, increasingly stringent legal regulations, and the challenging responsibility of managing an automated food processing line. The ever-changing demands and pressures for superior food safety are driven internally by
managers along with external pressures from consumers, industry regulators, and global associations.
Often called “farm to fork”, the path from raw food to a finished and packaged product is one that has hazardous
contact points. Before consumers have their food on their tables, that food has come into contact with harvesting
equipment, slaughterhouses, freezers, cold storages, a wide array of transportation means, and various processing
machinery. Although most contaminants (much of which is ferrous) are removed in early processing stages, trace
contaminants can still remain in foods. Thus, metal detection is often used as a last line of defense in most
processing facilities.
Food routinely makes contact with conveyor belting and with the widespread use of fragile modular belting,
concerns arise over plastic contaminants being deposited into the flow of food due to wear and tear. Volta firmly
stands behind the safety and stability of all Volta food grade belts as a solution for alternative inferior belting types.
Our ultimate goal is to eliminate any concerns and fears held by processors and consumers regarding food safety.